
netcup wiki


Using the Storagespace

Learn how to order and mount the netcup Storagespace on your server.

netcup offers you the possibility to expand the storage capacity of your server at a reasonable price with our Storagespace.

Here we show you how to order and mount the storage space on your server.

Ordering the netcup Storagespace

You can order the netcup Storagespace for your server in the Customer Control Panel (CCP). To do this, click on "Products" in the CCP, on the magnifying glass symbol in front of your server and then on the "Storage" tab.

You can choose between different tariffs, which include various storage capacities. Click on the button "Order storage" to order the storage space. The data required for the connection will then be displayed. Access is authorised via the accessing IP address. Therefore, please make sure that the main IP address of your server is also activated in the CCP. Otherwise, access to the storage space will be denied.

Mounting the netcup Storagespace

The procedure differs between Linux and Windows. In the following, we explain both variants.


Installation of nfs-common

To access NFS storages, nfs-common must be installed. On Debian you install nfs-common like this:

apt-get install nfs-common

Create a mount point

If you want to mount your storage space e.g. to /mnt/storagespace, you have to create the mount point first:

mkdir /mnt/storagespace

Mount the storage space

Now the storage space can be mounted:

mount -t nfs IP:/STORAGEPATH /mnt/storagespace

IP and STORAGEPATH must be replaced according to the information from your CCP.

Persistent change in fstab

In the file /etc/fstab you can permanently define mount points under Linux. These are automatically mounted when the system is started. In this way, you can also mount our netcup Storagespace automatically when the system is started. To do this, edit the file /etc/fstab with a text editor. Add the following line at the end of the file:

IP:/STORAGEPATH /mnt/storagespace nfs nolock,nfsvers=3,defaults 0 0

You can now unmount the previously manually mounted storage space once with umount /mnt/storagespace. Then use the command mount -a to mount all mount points from /etc/fstab. If the storage space is now successfully mounted again under /mnt/storagespace (which you can check e.g. by the output of the command mount), the configuration is successful and thus now also persistently set.

Windows Server

Install NFS client

The NFS client is not installed by default, which must be done. To do this, click on "Manage" -> "Add Roles and Features" in the "Server Manager" of Windows. Then follow the instructions of the wizard until you reach the point "Features". There you have to select the "Client for NFS" and then complete the installation.

Make changes to the NFS client

In the Server Manager, click on "Tools" -> "Services" and stop the NFS client there. Now start the Windows registry editor and navigate to


There you create two new DWORD entries using Right click -> New -> DWORD value (32-bit)

You need the entries AnonymousUid and AnonymousGid with the decimal value of 0.

You can now restart the previously stopped NFS client under "Tools" -> "Services".

Mount the storage

You can now mount the storage as a network drive using

net use X: \\IP\VOLUME

You can find IP and VOLUME in the CCP. The entry X: stands for the drive letter and can be set by you depending on the letters already assigned.

Last update: 21/09/2023