
netcup wiki

SOGo Groupware


Important technical terms


A groupware solution lets you stay up-to-date with e-mails, appointments and contacts within your family or your business.


SOGo (Scalable Open Groupware) is a groupware solution offered by netcup with a high level of compatibility to numerous devices and clients. Alinto are the developers and offer SOGo as an open-source project.


WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is a very popular protocol designed for cross-platform sharing and accessing of information.


A WebDAV based protocol faciliating universal access and syncronisation of calendar contents.


A WebDAV based protocol faciliating universal access and sharing of personal information such as adresses (both email and physical), telephone numbers, etc.

Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync

A standard for synchronization of email, contacts, events, and tasks with mobile devices that use Apple iOS, Android, or Windows Phone.


POP3 and POP3S are the most commonly used versions of the Post Office Protocol, an older but still popular protocol for retrieving mails. POP3 is highly limited and, for example, does not allow the use of multiple folders. We recommend that you use IMAP whenever possible, as IMAP is much more flexible and robust, especially when dealing with multiple devices like smartphones and PCs.


IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is a widely used and modern messaging protocol for emails. We strongly recommend it to our clients as it is much more flexible and simply better when using multiple devices.


An extension to IMAP which adds SSL encryption enhancing security and trust due to added verification.


SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a protocol predominently utilized in the forwarding and sending of emails.


An extension to SMTP which adds SSL encryption enhancing security and trust due to added verification.


ACL (Access Control List) is a solution enabling administrators to restrict the access a specific user has in a system. In the case of netcup's SOGo offerings, ACLs are used to set the specific rights a user within your organization has regarding access to shared calendars, adress books, etc.

Last update: 06/03/2025