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Activating 2FA

Secure your account through 2FA.

The security of your Customer Control Panel (CCP) account is significantly enhanced by enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). This section will guide you through the process step by step.

Please do not use the same device for the authentication app that you use to log in to the CCP.

1. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Navigate to the "Master Data" page in your Customer Control Panel and click on the "Enable Two-Factor Authentication" button.

2. Select and Install a Compatible App

Install an authentication app on your smartphone that supports TOTP (Time-Based One-Time Password). Recommended apps include:

3. Add a New Account in the Authentication App

For a quicker setup, scan the QR code that most apps support.

Add a new account for the CCP in your authentication app and transfer the displayed secret.

4. Enter the 2FA Code for Confirmation

You will now receive a 2FA code. Enter this code into the "Code" field and click on the "Two-Factor Authentication" button to complete the setup.

5. Log in to the CCP with 2FA

At your next login to your Customer Control Panel, you will first need to enter your customer number and your password as usual.

2FA TANs are six-digit numbers. They are only valid for a period of 30 seconds and must therefore be entered in a timely manner. This is for your security.

In the second step, you will be asked for a TAN. This will be displayed in your authentication app:

6. Disable Two-Factor Authentication (optional)

This is not recommended. After removing the token, only your customer number and password will be required for logging in to the CCP.

If you no longer wish to use 2FA, you can disable it in the Master Data section of the CCP by selecting "Remove 2FA Token".

Last update: 31/01/2024