
netcup wiki


Abuse Notices

Understanding Abuse Notices for netcup Products

This section provides you with an overview of any abuse notices you have received in connection with your use of netcup products:

This section allows you to start a search by product type or assigned hosting product and set the number of entries displayed per page.


This sections displays a list of your abuse notices. The abuse notices are used to inform you about problems related to your use of netcup products, such as violations of copyright legislation.

Clicking the magnifying glass icon to the left of an abuse notice reveals additional information and context:

I received an abuse notification Upon receiving an abuse notification, the cause is often due to incorrect configurations, non-updated systems, compromised login credentials, or attacks. These reports can come from affected parties, regulatory authorities, or our IDS systems.

Our team reviews each case and will get in touch with you. In case of acute danger, there may be a temporary suspension of your netcup products. This is for your protection.

As an infrastructure provider, netcup must comply with legal regulations. In the event of a violation, it is your responsibility to ensure that it does not happen again.

Please reply to any abuse notifications you receive immediately using the provided field.

In your response, please indicate:

We advise making statements as detailed as possible. A detailed statement reduces follow-up questions and speeds up the process. We aim to lift any potential suspensions of your services as quickly as possible.

  1. The measures you have taken.
  2. Assurance that there will be no future violations against the T&C.
  3. Confirmation that you have removed all harmful data.

Working hours of the Abuse Department

Monday to Friday from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (German time), except on public holidays. For emergencies outside these hours, contact our 24/7 emergency support at +49721/75407555 (at a charge of 40 Euros/15 minutes).