If a domain is assigned to another hosting, all content associated with the domain in the old web hosting instance will be deleted. This affects all pages, images, emails, databases and statistics. The domain will be assigned to the new instance and the DNS entries will be adjusted accordingly. If you wish to migrate your data, this tutorial can provide assistance.
You can transfer additional domains between instances at any time and free of charge.
Select the required additional domain and go to the Administration tab.
Allocate your domain to another hosting.
Included domains are strictly assigned to a web hosting instance. The contract does not provide for the possibility of transferring the domain to another instance free of charge.
However, you can transfer included domains between two instances if the instance you want to transfer to still contains free slots for included domains with the same top-level domain. Depending on the instance you want to transfer to, there may be charges for the switch. The cost is calculated based on the following factors: Type of top-level domain, additional costs for renewal, type of instance to be transferred to.
Select the required included domain and go to the Administration tab.
Click on Display change options.
If there are still slots available in the new hosting under the conditions mentioned above, you can allocate your domain to another hosting.
You can transfer additional domains between instances at any time and free of charge.
If you want to transfer domains between instances frequently, it is worth booking them as additional domains. On request, the support team will convert included domains to additional domains. An annual fee is then charged for each domain.