Please also consider our detailed technical documentation of the API.
The APIs in the CCP allow you to programmatically perform various actions.
Domain reselling API
To use the API functions, you need an API password and an API key. You can get the necessary data in your CCP under "Master Data" and there "API".
To generate the API password, please click on the "Generate API password" button. The password is generated by us, it is not possible to store your own password.
As soon as you generate a new password, you must adjust it directly in your clients. The password for the API is shown to you once in the confirmation message. If you forget this, you will need to generate a new password, because only one API password is given per customer account. So keep the password in a safe place.
In order to be able to establish a connection with the interface, you need at least one API key. You can also create this in the CCP under "Master Data" and "API". To do this, please confirm the conditions for using the API by clicking on the checkbox. Then you can use the "Create API Key" button to create a key for using the interface.
The API key is generated by us and is sufficiently long to ensure high security. The API key is then displayed to you and you can implement it in your clients.
You can generate multiple API keys and remove them independently of each other.
To use the API, you must authenticate yourself. Every job requires authentication with a valid session in the form of a session ID.
When using the login method, you send us
You will then receive a generated session ID from us as a return value, which you need, together with the API key, to use the other methods. By using your session ID, you are authenticated to our API.
The session expires automatically after 15 minutes of inactivity. Alternatively, you can use the logout method. This leads to a direct expiration of the session.
In your Customer Control Panel (CCP), you can view the most recently executed API actions in the "Domains" area under "API Log". If you are not a domain reseller, the button will appear as soon as you have performed at least one API action.
There you will find the time, the action, the status, a short feedback, the handle or the domain to which the action refers, the used API key, as well as the time at which the message (with ackpoll) was read.
As can also be seen in the screenshot above, actions that are carried out on the same day and at the same hour, minute and second are not necessarily shown in chronological order.
By clicking on the magnifying glass to the left of the action, you are shown a long feedback, the request message and the response message. You also see the server request ID, the client request ID, the feedback number, and the message format used.
The feedback numbers are based on the usual groups of HTTP error codes:
The following actions are logged:
Below you will find technical information on how to use the API.
The API endpoint is located at the following URI:
The message (payload) to the server must be via POST. A login would look like this:
Please note that we do not accept any liability for the functionality, stability, reliability, etc. of the following clients. These were not developed by or on behalf of netcup GmbH or tested by us. We cannot provide support for them. If you have any questions, please contact the developer of the respective client.
Some of our users have developed clients that can be used with our APIs. We appreciate the commitment of our users and would like to introduce you to the projects here. Have you also developed a client for one of our APIs and it is missing from the list below? Feel free to send us an email with a short description of your project and we will include your client.
Dynamic DNS client for netcup DNS API
Own DynDNS on Netcup vServer with API
Dyndns client for the netcup dns api written in go
ownDynDNS (Self-hosted dynamic DNS PHP script for FRITZ!Box and netcup DNS API)
netcup_dns module
The DNS functionality (DNS API) of the CCP API allows you to make modifications to DNS zones of domains which are connected via our netcup nameservers, as well as receive information about the DNS zones and records.
The functionality available is oriented, among other things, to the possibilities that are already available to you in the CCP in the "DNS" area. Extensive documentation can already be found in our wiki.
In the following, we describe the basics of using the DNS API.
No special requirements need to be met to use the DNS API. The DNS API can be used by any customer who owns domains with us. It's important that the nameservers of netcup are set for the domains to be edited. If you use external nameservers, we cannot provide an API for these. The DNS API is aimed at customers who already have experience with manipulating and creating DNS entries.
Please note: Invalid or incorrect DNS entries can affect the functionality of your domain.
With the DNS API you can currently:
Log in or log out of the API
Obtain information about the DNS zone of a domain
Obtain all DNS records of a zone
Make changes to the DNS zone of a domain
Make changes to the DNS records of a zone
Method: updateDnsRecords
All changes you make via the API are also visible in the CCP, and vice versa.
If you want to use the API's functions, you can find the necessary information for authentication, as well as technical information for using the API under CCP API.
With the Domain Reselling functionality (Domain Reselling API) of the CCP API, you can perform a variety of actions with domains as a domain reseller. The API allows you to register and transfer domains, create contact handles, assign domains handles, and much more.
The functionality available is oriented, among other things, to the possibilities that domain reselling already offers you in the CCP. You can refer to our respective documentation for this.
In the following, we describe the basics of using the Domain Reselling API.
To use the Domain Reselling API, you need to meet certain requirements:
You must be a domain reseller of netcup in order to use the Domain Reselling API: Order Reseller Level
The Domain Reselling API is aimed at customers who have already gained experience with actions that affect domains.
* For example, use the preconfigured PowerDNS image from netcup on your vServer to install nameservers yourself.
With the Domain Reselling API, you can currently:
Log in or log out of the API
Create, edit, and delete contact handles
List all created contact handles
Register and transfer domains
List all created domains
Request authcodes for domains
Cancel domains
Carry out owner changes of domains
Perform domain updates (change handles and nameservers)
Get information about a domain or a contact handle
Get the price of a specific TLD
Receive feedback on carried out domain orders and mark them as read
Methods: poll and ackpoll
All changes you make via the API are also visible in the CCP, and vice versa.
When executing domain orders via the API (using the createDomain / transferDomain methods):
As previously mentioned in the prerequisites, you need to specify and operate your own nameservers when using API functions that require nameserver information. You can also use our PowerDNS image on our vServers.
If you still want to use the above functionality, you can perform the desired actions via your CCP.
If you want to use the API features, you can find the necessary authentication information, as well as technical information on how to use the API, under CCP API.