
netcup wiki



Is there protection against DDoS attacks?

What is the difference between the VPS Generation 11 and the Generation 11s?

Is it possible to upgrade from Generation 9 (or older) to Generation 11?

What are the minimum contract period?

What is meant by hourly-based rates?

Are the VPS of the old generation 10 (and older) still available for order?

What does the designation VIE, NUE, MNZ and "no preference Europe" mean?

What are the advantages of deciding on which location (Nuremberg (Germany), Vienna (Austria), Manassas (USA)) to host my VPS?

Do I have any disadvantages if I choose "no preference Europe" for vServer location?

Why are the VPS in Nuremberg (Germany) and Vienna (Austria) more expensive compared to "no preference Europe"?

If I selected "no preference Europe", can the location change after the fact?

If I already own an older generation vServer, will it be forced to move to a different location in the future?

Can I view the location after placing the order?

Do the VPS at the Vienna (Austria) and Manassas (USA) sites have the same features as those at the Nuremberg (Germany) site?

Are additional IPs differentiated by location?

Are the vServers of the VPS VIE and MNZ located in netcup's own data centers?

Will there be more locations in the future?

Who is responsible for customer support for vServers in Vienna (Austria) and Manassas (USA)?

What about data protection at the vServer location in Manassas (USA)?

What about data protection at the Vienna vServer location?

Can I change the location of my vServer afterwards or automatically migrate an existing server?

Can the products be combined with vouchers?

How do I contact the support for the Vienna (Austria) and Manassas (USA) sites?

Are there other products that will be offered at the Manassas (USA) site?

My question is not listed here. Where can I find an answer?